Welcome to The Wild Spirit

I’m jessica valentine

My Approach

Empowerment, education, kindness, compassion and empathy are the pillars of my approach. I am a trauma-informed practitioner, I meet you where you are at and together we go forward from there. I will listen deeply and authentically with all of my senses while we create the space for your body, heart, mind and spirit to receive deeply nourishing and grounded support.


> Relaxation & Restorative Massage Spa Industry Training

>Reiki Master Level Training w/ Marissa McAdams

>Tarot for the Wild Soul Training w/Lindsay Mack

>Life & Wellness Coaching Training w/ Rhoads Wellness College

>Sound Healing and Vocal Training w/ Harmonic Sounds, Charlie Kornblum, Sound Meditation Presents

>Craniosacral Therapy Training w/ Healing Hands Training, Kari Toft, Jamie Lee Mock

>Trauma Imprint Repair and Somatic Processing Training w/ Healing Hands Kari Toft, Jamie Lee Mock

i’m the founder of the wild spirit massage & wellness studio, A somatic bodyworker, sound healing meditation guide, holistic life coach and woman's circle facilitator.

I believe you have found your way here for a reason. In life, there are these special moments that occur, I call them beacon moments. These beacons have been waiting for you to arrive at a specific time, place and space so they may ignite and illuminate a new path, connection or experience. Often this occurs when you are in need or ready to take steps towards a new way of being in an aligned relationship with yourself.

The Wild Spirit Massage & Wellness Studio was born from a desire to create a wellness space that could support people to experience ancient and modern holistic wellness modalities; benefiting the entirety of their being, body, heart, mind, intuition, and spirit.

WELCOME TO A new way of experiencing & cultivating aligned CONNECTION TO your body, mind, heart, intuition & spirit.

The Wild Spirit exists because of beacon moments in my life.

From a young age, I experienced many difficult situations that would influence how I experienced life and relationships and how I connected to and treated my body, heart, mind, intuition and spirit. Up until my first beacon moment in my early 30’s, I experienced chronic pain both physically and emotionally, poor sleep, and chronic fatigue, I rode the rollercoaster of overgiving, people-pleasing, insecurity, poor self-care, substance use, anxiety, hypervigilance, overwhelm and burnout.

The one thing that kept my head above water was a sense that something was missing and if I could just find it I would feel better. That sense, what I now know as my intuition, kept me afloat until that first beacon appeared.

It came in the form of a small bottle of essential oil. A new friend gifted it to me, I had told her during a casual chat that I often didn’t sleep through the night. She instructed me to rub it into my feet before going to bed, I was sceptical, to say the least. I had tried a good many things to help me sleep through the years and I couldn’t see how essential oils were going to help. That night I slept like a baby. Maybe it was the oil or maybe it was the act of taking a slow moment before going to bed to connect with my body in a nourishing way. Who knows what it was, I don’t think it matters, what matters is that was the beacon moment when the tides began to change for me, I felt hopeful for the first time in a long time.

From that point forward pathway and after pathway opened up for me and within me. In the months following I decided to train in relaxation and restorative massage after taking a one-day course in essential oil application. When I put my hands on another person’s body in a therapeutic way I knew had found an aspect of what I had been seeking most of my life. It was THE defining moment in coming home to myself and the beginning of what would unfold for my future as a wellness practitioner. From there I was introduced to a woman who would show me how to understand and connect with my emotions in a way talk therapy, counselling or books never could. I trained with that same woman to learn how to connect with my life force energy and meditate with an energy modality called Reiki.

Beacon after beacon after beacon was lit. I fell in love with tarot and tarot reading because a work colleague shared an Instagram account with me. I was still working in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver at the time in a social venture not for profit while moonlighting as a relaxation massage and reiki energy practitioner in the evenings and on the weekends. I would train with my tarot and intuitive healing teacher for the following two years, learning to read tarot, and connect with my intuition, inner sight and knowing. I have now read tarot and done intuitive readings for hundreds of people, lighting beacons for them to find their way.

Since then the beacons have continued to be lit, guiding me to where I am today. Since founding the Wild Spirit in 2018, I have discovered my passion, love and I would say obsession with sound healing, craniosacral therapy and women’s circle facilitation.

I am forever grateful for that little bottle of essential oil being placed in my hand. That first beacon and the ones following have changed how I experience, receive and love my life, my body, my heart, my mind and my spirit.